- Current TermHide
Please take into account the information on cmlife and on the elearning server.
Lecture 15.10.24 - 03.12.24:
Mon, 2 - 4 p.m.
Tue, 2 - 4 p.m.For further information, see the e-learning course.
Advanced Macroeconomics Exercise
21.10.24 - 02.12.24:
Group 1:
Mon, 4 - 6 p.m.
Tue, 6 - 8 p.m.Group 2:
Mon, 6 - 8 p.m.
Tue, 4 - 6 p.m.For further information, see the e-learning course.
BotzkiAdvanced Trade Theory Lecture 15.10.24 - 03.12.24:
Mon, 4 - 6 p.m.
Tue, 4 - 6 p.m.For further information, see the e-learning course.
Egger Exercise Fri, 08.11.24 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fri, 22.11.24 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fri, 29.11.24 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.For further information, see the e-learning course.
Lecture 21.10.24 - 03.02.25:
Mon, 4 - 6 p.m.For further information, see the e-learning course.
Exercise 22.10.24 - 28.01.25:
Tue, 4 - 6 p.m.For further information, see the e-learning course.
Navarro Seminar in Topics in International Macroeconomics and Finance
(Bachelor and Master)Seminar Introductory lecture:
Thurs, 24.10.24 2 - 4 p.m.Presentations:
Thurs, 20.02.25 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.For further information, see the e-learning course.
Navarro - ThesesHide
General Requirements
Prerequisite for writing a thesis at our chair is that you have successfully passed at least two of our courses at our chair. Possible topics of your thesis need to cover these issues. For students of “Lehramt” there are special arrangements. In that case, please contact one of the research assistants.
Formal Requirements
Details regarding the formal requirements of written papers at the Chair of Economics II please find in the following document.
For information concerning the number of copies to be submitted for master and bachelor theses, please follow the information in the examination regulations of the respective programme.
- Remarks (english version)
- Letter of RecommendationHide
- Provided that you have passed at least two courses at our chair with grade 1.7, you can ask for an application-specific letter of recommendation.
- With regard to applications for a Master program, going abroad, a scholarship and/or for a PhD - program please contact Marco Molitor (marco.molitor@uni-bayreuth.de).
- Please notice that the upper limit is five letters of recommendation per student!
- Please put your request per Mail at least four weeks before the deadline for submitting and attach the following information:
- Purpose of the letter of recommendation
- Template or guideline for the letter of recommendation (if available)
- Deadline for submitting
- Language
- Number of copies
- Curriculum vitae
- Copies of your application documents (e.g. covering letter)
- Latest transcript of record plus the rank in the overall grading distribution of your study program (available at the examination office).
- Provided that you have passed at least two courses at our chair with grade 1.7, you can ask for an application-specific letter of recommendation.
- WiWiZHide
Studierende der wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Zusatzausbildung an der Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bayreuth können ihre Abschlussarbeit am Lehrstuhl VWL II anfertigen, sofern sie den Schwerpunkt „Internationale Wirtschaft“ erfolgreich belegt haben. Themenfestlegung, Anmeldung und Betreuung erfolgen nach Absprache mit dem jeweils zuständigen Lehrstuhlmitarbeiter. Die Übernahme der Betreuung von WiWiZ-Abschlussarbeiten kann nur erfolgen, wenn sich das anvisierte Thema mit den Schwerpunkten des Lehrstuhls und/oder des jeweiligen Mitarbeiters deckt.
- Past CoursesHide
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